Make Writing Fun!

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After one of my recent workshops, I was chatting to the class teacher about how turning any activity into a game shifts the energy in the room! For many of your students, writing comes loaded with all sorts of expectation and pressure. There’s a reason why reluctant writers like to sharpen their pencil or head to the toilet whenever you mention the word, writing. And that’s exactly why I love writing games. Writing games encourage a sense of playfulness and possibility. We all learn more easily when we’re engaged, motivated and having fun.

Writing games:

  • Level the playing field, especially for reluctant writers.

  • Make writing fun.

  • Encourage risk taking and experimentation.

  • Develop creative thinking skills.

  • Stretch imaginative thinking skills.

  • Extend vocabulary.

  • Can be used to consolidate and target specific writing skills.

  • Enable writers to bypass the inner critic and experience the release of creative flow.

  • Encourages writers to learn from each other and provide opportunities for writers to collaborate.

So to celebrate the launch of my new website, I’ve bundled up four of my favourite writing games for you to download. I’ve included learning objectives and instructions for playing the game as well as ideas for how you could use these games as springboards for future writing adventures and specific skill development. The games are best suited for writers from Years 3 - 6 although they can be modified for younger younger writers. You won’t need any fancy materials to get started. Click on the link to the right of this post, and your games are ready to download. Let’s make writing so fun that maths gets jealous!
Happy writing!

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